วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Ideas cheap food - 3 Alternatives to Fast Food

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Today the company is very tired and fatigued. Everyone is busy and running at a fast pace each day. No matter what the reason for the frantic pace of your lifestyle, your time is valuable and must be managed effectively. You need to eat cheap ideas to help you stretch your time and money while providing a healthy and nutritious dinner for you and your family.

Fast-Food manufacturers know how little time we have, and just use this to himselfsuccess. The idea of returning home after a long day at work and cooking for four or five people, is not something that tends to look for us on top of preparing for the next day and try to finish the tasks too. This is why you cheap meal ideas that require no cleaning, no offer of food, and have only 25 minutes.

Mothers and fathers are the first to take a trip on the disk until the problems with shopping, avoid cooking, cleaning and after meals, so they can goHome and relax a bit 'before they need to wake up and do it again and again. The problem is that eating so much fast food will inevitably cause obesity and not the healthiest choice to consider. There are some very cheap meal ideas to take almost no time for preparation and return home for a good meal more bearable.

The first idea involves eating cheap meat, vegetables, pasta or rice, and everything in a bowl. Stir Fry A quick, start with a thin sliceMeat. Beef and chicken is also a good job. Add a small amount of soy sauce to the meat. Bake until fully implemented. In the same pan, add a bag of stir fry vegetables in the mix. Add a glass of water to the mix as the vegetables are heating to obtain a sauce of species. During cooking the meat and vegetables, get a bag or two of boiled rice in the bag. Leave this to cook, the rest is heat. When the rice is cooked, put a helping spread on each plate and fry with stirring, vegetables and meat.This idea is not only a good meal, it's fast, you can do in just 20 minutes.

You can improvise a game full of pancakes and scrambled eggs for the family in about 30 minutes or less. If you think it is strange to eat breakfast foods at dinner, think about how these same foods that you give what he has to go through the day. Another good meal ideas to try, is a simple pasta and cheese, served with meat. The minced or turkey only takes 20 minutes to cookand through the macaroni and cheese can be finished before the meat is. Sign up for a taste more, a jar of tomato sauce for a dish of macaroni with tomato sauce.

If you have an update of these or other cheap meal ideas at home, you will have time from your busy day to treat yourself and your family in particular.

Visit : ThaitripStoday totally travel's Ideas in Thailand mix and match

